Navigating Workspace
The Workspace page tracks a student's Presented, Practiced and Mastered progress for each unique Montessori work in the classroom. A visual look at a student’s Workspace progress is available through Workspace, Reports, and Observations. A student’s Workspace Report is an excellent way to showcase their progress for parent conferences. Workspace also provides the guide with the interface to create Lesson Plans. Lesson Plans are a useful summary of each student’s next step for selected works. Lesson Plans are individually created for each student and then summarized in a report for the entire classroom.
Select Workspace on the main menu. If you have more than one classroom you can change classrooms by selecting the CHANGE button next to the current classroom and you can change enrollment periods by selecting the CHANGE button next to the current enrollment period.
In the Workspace tool students are listed on the left side of the page. Select a student by clicking on their name. The active student will be highlighted and the student's name will be displayed above the list of works in the center of the page. To add a new student see Adding New Students with "+Add Student"
The areas for all works in the classroom are listed in the pull down menu in the center of the page. By selecting an area, the associated works will populate the list in the middle of the page. Each work will have the selected students Presented, Practiced and Mastered status. To add a new area see Adding New Areas with “+ Add Area”.
A student’s progress is updated by selecting the progress circle for Presented, Practiced or Mastered. The left progress circle is associated with Presented, the middle with Practiced and the right circle with Mastered. The current highest status is displayed by the filled in progress circles. You can enter multiple progress events for any of the three states by selecting any filled in progress circle again. Each time you update the progress you can also change the date by selecting the date icon displayed next to the date. As you update a student’s progress the changes are automatically saved. If you make a mistake you can always delete the incorrect update. The “more/less” history triangle next to the progress circles will show or hide the details for each progress update. You can use these details to change dates and delete progress updates.
Each work record has many features in addition to the student status. Clicking and dragging the hash box on the left side of the line will sort the list for your classroom. You can hide a work from view by selecting the “X” to the left of the work's name. The Add/Unhide Work, at the top of the works list, re-displays hidden works in addition to adding new works. Selecting the work name allows you to change the displayed name.
Your Lesson Plan is found on the right hand side of the Workspace page. To add works for the selected student onto the Lesson Plan select Add for the desired work. The Lesson Plan is unique to each student and can contain multiple works for different areas. To summarize your Lesson Plan select View by Area button to display the entire Lesson Plan for all students in your classroom sorted by Areas. Likewise View by Student displays your Lesson Plan sorted by students.